Fr. George has multiple publications on our faith. Examples are listed below.
- “Patriarch Methodios of Constantinople”, his latest book
- “Studica Patristica Vol. XXXIX”, paper from the Fourteenth International Patristic Conference 2006, “Image of Satan and his Demons”, Vita of Saint Marina, Scholia, by St. Methodios I of Constantinople
- “The Way of Christ: Gospel, Spiritual Life and Renewal in Orthodoxy”, by Fr. Thedore Stylianopoulos, Holy Cross Orthodox Press, Brookline, MA 2002, pp. xi+207, ISBN 1-885652-59-3. Review published in Sobornost, Fall 2003
- “Wholeness of Faith and Life: Orthodox Christian Ethics”, by Fr. Stanley S. Harakas, Brookline: Holy Cross Orthodox press, 1999, in three parts. Part 1 – Patristic Ethics, pp. ix+161. Part 2 – Church Life Ethics, pp. ix+148. Part 3 – Orthodox Social Ethics, pp. ix+140, ISBN 1-88562-305. Review published in Sobornost, Spring 2002
- “Councils of Churches and the Ecumenical Vision”, by Diane Kessler and Michael Kinnamon, Rick Book Series no. 90, Geneva WCC Publications, pp. ix+86, ISBN 2-8254-1324-0.
- “Responses to 517 Questions by Byzantine, Greek Orthodox, Chistianity, Roman Catholic Tradition, Protestantism and Modern Cults”, in Greek and English, by Constantine N. Tsirpanlis, Athens/New York: The American Institute for Patristic and Byzantine Studies, 2001, pp. 4-205.
You have been listening to Dn. George speak at the Festival of Orthodox Christianity, which was hosted by North Texas Orthodox Missions on February 8, 2003. The sound track with his presentation (the third one below) should have started automatically upon loading this web page. It requires the QuickTime player previously installed on your computer. You may use the QuickTime controls to listen to the other two sound tracks as well provided below.
Welcome Message
Speaker Introduction
“Orthodox Spirituality. A Blue Print for Living”, presentation by Dn. George Bithos
If your browser cannot automatically play the audio on this page, you may use the “Get QuickTime” button below to download and install the player prior to enjoying the presentation.
Please contact Fr. George for additional information regarding presentations.