Introducing the Church Year Classes Fall 2023

These classes are part of a Series presented in the Fall of 2023 to the Adult Catechumen Class at Transfiguration GOC, Austin Texas by Fr. George P. Bithos. This introduction is a brief glimps of the Church temple and its theology. The presentation is a raw recording of the class. Please excuse the less than polished video. Thank you…FrG


Orthodoxy 101: Orthodoxy Alive Fall 2022 Class 1/2 September 21, 2022

This is the recording of the class: Orthodoxy 101 – Orthodoxy Alive of September 21, 2022. It is an unedited video of the ZOOM recording of the class. It is a class of the Adult Religious Education classes of Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church, Austin, Texas. For the best view, please start at 12:00 minutes into the recording. God Bless ….Frg

The Foundations of the Church: A Study of the Ecumenical Councils (Part 3)

The Triumph of Orthodoxy

The Foundations of the Church is a short study of the first seven Ecumenical Councils. The classes are recorded from the Adult Education Series of Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church –  Austin, Texas. This class is  Part 3 of the series recorded on June 15,  2022. This recording explores the 6th.  and 7th.  Ecumenical Councils and their impact on the orthodoxy and theology of the Church. The  video recordings are unedited transcriptions of the Zoom presentation of the class. Please forgive the lack of polish of the recording. For a better viewing of this segment, please begin at 3:00 min. into the recording. The presenter is Fr. George  P. Bithos  The link to the video is below. God Bless.. FrG

The Foundations of the Church: A Study of the Ecumenical Councils (Part 2)

The Foundations of the Church is a short study of the first seven Ecumenical Councils. The classes are recorded from the Adult Education Series of Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church –  Austin, Texas. This class is  Part 2 of the series recorded on June 8, 2022. This recording explores the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Ecumenical Councils and their impact on the orthodoxy and theology of the Church. The  video recordings are unedited transcriptions of the Zoom presentation of the class. Please forgive the lack of polish of the recording. The presenter is Fr. George  P. Bithos  The link to the video is below. God Bless..FrG

The Foundations of the Church: A Study of the Ecumenical Councils (Part 1)

The Foundations of the Church is a short study of the first seven Ecumenical Councils. The classes are being recorded from the Adult Education Series of Transfiguration Greek Orthodox –  Austin, Texas June 1, 8 and 15, 2022. This is the first of the series from June 1, 2022. The video recordings are unedited transcriptions of the Zoom presentation of the class. The presenter is Fr. George P Bithos. The  link to the video is below. God Bless…FrG


ABCs of Orthodoxy Class 8 – Orthodoxy and Other Faiths

ABCs of Orthodoxy – Class 8

Below find the link to Class 8 in the ABCs of Orthodoxy series:  Orthodoxy and Other Faiths-   (Please, link to video). This class was presented November 18, 2021. Please start the playback at 7.00 Min. to avoid early class conversation, not part of the presentation. Thank you and God Bless… FrG