ABCs of Orthodoxy, Class 9 – Christ with Us: On the Nativity

Below find the link to Class 9 in the ABCs of Orthodoxy series:  Christ with Us: On the Nativity- We will explore the incarnation by a study of the Kontakion by St. Romanos the Melodist   (Please, link to video). This class was presented Dec. 2, 2021. Please start the playback at 3: 50  Min. to avoid early class conversation, not part of the presentation. Thank you and God Bless… FrG


ABCs of Orthodoxy Class 8 – Orthodoxy and Other Faiths

ABCs of Orthodoxy – Class 8

Below find the link to Class 8 in the ABCs of Orthodoxy series:  Orthodoxy and Other Faiths-   (Please, link to video). This class was presented November 18, 2021. Please start the playback at 7.00 Min. to avoid early class conversation, not part of the presentation. Thank you and God Bless… FrG


ABCs of Orthodoxy Class 5 – The Divine Liturgy

Below find the link to Class 5 in the ABCs of Orthodoxy series. This class was presented October 28, 2021. Please start the playback at 4.00 Min. to avoid early class conversation, not part of the presentation. Thank you and God Bless… FrG


Pantokrator Monastery at Ntaou Pendeli

Entrance to Transfiguration Chapel at Pantokrator


Today we visited and venerated the relics of the Holy Fathers of the Pantokrator Monastery at Ntaou Penteli. Our Transfiguration Parish in Austin TX is blessed to have  relics of these martyred Fathers  in our Holy Altar. This link will relate the  history of the Monastery for your understanding:     The convent is growing and building a new Church Temple to the Glory of God. The Commemoration of these Martyrs is the Tuesday of Bright Week

God Bless ….Fr. G.

Why build an Orthodox Church Temple

St Savas Cathedral – Belgrade

This quote explains why we build churches to God’s glory. It is a quote from St. Philaret of Moscow on the occasion of a church consecration.

“God is everywhere and doesn’t need churches, which are small for him and cannot contain Him. But man is limited, and thus needs limited revelation of God’s presence. God condescended to the need of man and granted that this  church exist, granting it the grace of His particular presence. We know of only one state of man in which he has no need of churches: the eternal life in the New  Jerusalem, under a “new heaven and a new earth…” the seer of heaven (St. John the Evangelist) notes a special  distinguishing feature of the New Jerusalem, namely that there is no church there: “and I saw no church there: (Rev. 21, 22). But we are not yet in the New Jerusalem, which will descend from the heavens, therefore we need a church temple.  Belonging to the creation, after the fall, our own flesh, rough and unpurified, blocks our entrance into the grace-filled presence of God. This is why it is necessary for His charismatic presence to reveal itself to us in holy churches. The heavens –  where Christ, our light, ascended – have not yet opened up and revealed to us the radiance of His glory. because of this we need for the time being at least a small heaven on earth, as well as light – even though it may be hidden in mystery. We can find all this in the church, through prayer, the word of God and the sacraments

God Bless…….Fr G.