Sanctifying Life: A Study of the Sacraments – The Office of Preparation -The Proskomidi

This is the next class on Sanctifying Life: A Study of the Sacramental Life of the Orthodox Church. It is a recording of the class presented  on Weds.November 13, 2024 at Transfiguration GOC, Austin TX. The topic is the Office of Preparation (The Proskomidi) the preparation of the Gifts for the Holy Eucharist. It is an unedited recording of the actual class please forgive the lack of sophistication. For a better view please start at 8:00 Minutes into the video.  Thank you. The presenter is Fr. George P. Bithos. God Bless




Sanctifying Life: The Services in Preparation for the Holy Eucharist


This is the recording of the Adult Education class offered at Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church, Austin Texas on Nov. 6, 2024 This classn this current series exploring the Sacraments of our Holy Orthodox Church. The topic of this session is services  in preparation for there . The recording is the transcription of the actual class and is unedited. Please excuse the lack of sophistication. God Bless… FrG

Sanctifying Life: A Study of the the Sacraments in the Orthodox Church Class 3 – Baptism

This is the recording of the Adult Education class offered at Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church, Austin Texas on September 25, 2024. It is the 3rd class in this current series exploring the Sacraments of our Holy Orthodox Church. The topic of this session is Holy Baptism. The recording is the transcription of the actual class and is unedited. Please excuse the lack of sophistication. God Bless… FrG

Sanctifying Life : A Study of the Sacraments in the Orthodox Church; an Overview (Part 1)


This is the recording of the Adult Education class offered at Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church, Austin Texas on September 211, 2024. It is the first lecture in the current series exploring the Holy Sacraments of our Holy Orthodox Church.  The recording is a transcription of the actual class and is unedited. Please excuse the lack of sophistication. God Bless….

Fr George P. Bithos

Understanding the Church Year: The Nativity of Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ

This is a recording of the Adult Catechumen Class presented at Transfiguration GOC in Austin TX. by Fr. George P. Bithos on October 25, 2023. The series will present an Introduction to the Orthodox Church Year. This video discusses the Nativity of Our Lord God Jesus Christ the Flesh. it is a raw recording of the class, please excuse the lack of polish. This  recording begins with the Gospel reading of the Feast. Sorry for the error ! Thank you for your understanding. FrG

Introducing the Church Year Classes Fall 2023

These classes are part of a Series presented in the Fall of 2023 to the Adult Catechumen Class at Transfiguration GOC, Austin Texas by Fr. George P. Bithos. This introduction is a brief glimps of the Church temple and its theology. The presentation is a raw recording of the class. Please excuse the less than polished video. Thank you…FrG