I can’t tell you how perplexed I have been by all the “hoorah” concerning the “Dancing With The Stars.” You know it doesn”t make sense. Don’t we have anything better to think about? I will say it did remind me of one of my favourite Christian songs.
“I danced in the morning when the world begun. And I danced in the moon and the stars and the sun.
And I came down from heaven and I danced on earth.
At Bethlehem I had My birth.
Dance then wherever you may be….
I am the Lord of the Dance said He:
And I’ll lead you all, wherever you may be; And I’ll lead you all in the dance said He.”
This is the star we should all dance with. The star leads us all to a manger and there is the leader of the greatest dance, the dance from Bethlehem to our salvation. The Lord of the Dance is ultimately the Lord of All. ]]>